Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lahore Show. Sharif Brothers---------!

ALTHOUGH the Sharif brothers were already at war with President Zardari and his party, Punjab Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif formally announced this at a Lahore rally. Shahbaz Sharif demanded the president resign, but the language in which this demand was made cannot be reproduced because of journalistic ethics.

The language was neither civilised nor political.

Shahbaz Sharif apart from his fiery speech also displayed his singing talent ... A new polarisation is in the offing. Fullstrength is being used to block the Senate election scheduled for next March. And to achieve this goal, all promisesare being made to roll back the democratic system.

Elections are a part of the democratic process and those who claim to be champions of democracy are bent upon raising hurdles ... to overthrow [the president] ... [this] cannot be termed democratic.

When Gen Musharraf overthrew the Nawaz Sharif government, it was an illegal and unconstitutional act..

Anti-democratic forces after their defeat in the 2008 elections were pushed to their deathbed. These were the forces that had sent Nawaz Sharif packing, but now the Sharif brothers are becomingtools in the hands of those forces. Anti-democratic forces have been active in our country and habitually change on the chessboard and in the power paradigm..

We would like to recall the words of PML-N chief Mian Nawaz Sharif which he has repeated on a number of occasions that he will not be part of the game of overthrowing the elected government.

Unfortunately, now the Sharif brothers are leading the campaign for overthrowing this elected government. Many interesting scenes were wit-nessed at the Sharifs` Lahore show. ...Protests are a democratic right.

But the way the Sharif brothers are resortingto these does not suit those who claim to be democrats.

.When the Sharif brothers returned home they did not stage such a protest against the dictator Gen Musharraf, who had overthrown their government. Was there no danger to democracy and the country at that time? We would like to advise the Sharif brothers to use civilised language. It appears they are acting according to a prepared script to block the Senate elections, which does not suit any democrat. ... (Oct 29)= Selected and translated by Sohail Sangi

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