NEW YORK, Sept 13: A US or Israeli attack on Iran`s nuclear facilities
could derail the Islamic Republic`s suspected weapons programme for four
years at most, but it would alienate and unite the Muslim world,
against Israel, and US, according to a report.
The report
released on Thursday by the `Iran Project`, a bipartisan group of former
national security officials and foreign policy specialists, discusses
the military pros and cons of a strike on Iran`s nuclear facilities and
outlines the lessdiscussed political fallout of any such attack.
raids, commando assaults and computer network attacks `would destroy or
severely damage many of Iran`s physical facilities and stockpiles`,
according to the New York based group.
`But in our judgment
complete destruction of Iran`s nuclear programme is unlikely and Iran
would still retain the scientific capacity and the experience to start
its nuclear programme again.
Military effectiveness
notwithstanding, the report concluded that `one of the most serious but
difficult to quantify costs of military action against Iran could be
damage to US reputation and standing` `If Iran`s nuclear programme is
attacked by the US or Israel in the absence of an international mandate
or amultinational coalition, support for maintaining sanctions against
Iran could be substantially weakened,` the report said.
But getting a mandate from the United Nations Security Council for an attack on Iran would be impossible.
signatories The report is more noteworthy for the former US officials
listed among its signatories, including former Central Intelligence
Agency Deputy Director Paul Pillar; former US Central Command commanders
Marine Corps General Anthony Zinni and Admiral William Fallon.
signers of the report include former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of
Nebraska and former Democratic Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia; retired US
Ambassador Thomas Pickering; George W. Bush-era Deputy Secretary of
State Richard Armitage and former National Security Adviser Brent
Iran may retaliate by attempting to close the Strait
of Hormuz, an action that would `rattle global markets and cause a
significant spike in oil prices`.
`Destabilising forces` An
assault would `introduce destabil-ising political and economic forces in
a region already experiencing major transformations`, the report said. A
US strike may provoke worldwide anger among Muslims and enhance Al
Qaeda`s ability to recruit new members.
The report reiterates
conclusions previously outlined by US officials, including Joint Chiefs
of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen, about the limited
effectiveness of a military attack on Iran.
A US air strike
involving stealth B-2 bombers dropping 30,000-pound precision-guided
penetrating bombs `carried out to near perfection` could delay Iran`s
programme by up to four years. A unilateral strike by Israel `with its
more limited capabilities, could delay Iran`s ability to build a bomb by
up to two years,` the report said. An Israeli airstrike `is unlikely to
succeed in destroying or even seriously damaging` the deeply buried
Fordo enrichment facility and the stockpile of near-weaponsgrade
enriched uranium there.
The `lack of a high-confidence military
option against Fordo is a key reason why Israeli government officials
believe they must take action to destroy Iran`s supply of low-enriched
uranium and damage Iran`s ability to produce more centrifuges before
Fordo becomes fully operational`, the report said.
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