OWING in large part to the state`s apathy, Pakistan`s historical treasures are slowly crumbling.
if a change in attitude does not come about immediately, we may soon be
globally recognised as a country that neglects its heritage. A report
in this paper on Monday says the Sindh government may get some respite
before the World Heritage Committee adds the Makli necropolis in Thatta
to the list of world heritage sites in danger. The authorities` optimism
is based on recommendations made in a report based on the findings of a
Unesco team that visited Makli in May.
Among the report`s
recommendations, it has been suggested that the necropolis`s boundaries
as well as a buffer zone be identified, while the experts have also
called for a conservation and management plan to save Makli not only
from the vagaries of nature, but also neglect by man.
according to earlier reports, a recently deceased Sindhi poet was buried
in the Chawkandigraveyard, despite there being a ban on fresh burials
on the site.
It has been noticed that ever since devolution,
Sindh`s heritage sites have fared worse than when they were under the
centre`s watch. The Unesco report appears to reinforce this view. While
it says that following devolution the provincial government`s
administrative and technical capacity needs to be enhanced, it also adds
that hardly anything has been done to address the degradation of Makli.
What should serve as a wake-up call is the observation that damage and
loss at the vast necropolis due to pilferage has reached `colossal
proportions`. While many may rightly ask if we deserve more time before
Makli is listed as endangered thanks to our own negligence the state
should take this as a final warning. The recommendations of foreign
experts are there; it`s just a matter of following procedure and more
importantly, having the will and common sense to preserve heritage.
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